Watchtower Comics

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Deadpool & Wolverine
The Marvels
Guardians of the Galaxy
Ant-Man & la Guêpe - Quantumania
Black Panther Wakanda Forever

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La chanson de Nextwave

Bien que Nextwave n’existe que sous forme écrite, il existe une chanson dédiée à ce groupe pas comme les autres.

Cette chanson peut être écoutée sur une page Myspace.

Voici les paroles, qui vont bien avec l’histoire 🙂

It’s like Shakespeare, but with lots more punching.It’s like Goethe, but with lots more crunching. Like Titanic, but the boat’s still floating. No, it’s not, the mother????ing boat is exploding!

Nextwave, Nextwave

Dirk Anger is one crazy mamajama. He leads H.A.T.E., sitting around in his pretty pink pajamas. H.A.T.E. was formed by the Beyond Corporation. Purposely to bring about catastrophic devastation!

Nextwave, Nextwave

Do you want a haircut? The Beyond Corporations gonna help you out. Do you need a toothbrush? The Beyond Corporations got an extra one. Do you have a stepson? The Beyond Corporation’s gonna rub him out. Do you see a monster, or a pirate, electric emu, a giant sky rat, a midget Hitler or Pontius Pilate? Don’t call your mom or your doctor, just pick up the phone and call.

Nextwave, Nextwave

Monica – is gonna microwave your ????. Tabby – is gonna steal all your stuff. Aaron – is going to organize your sock drawer. Elsa – is gonna speak with an accent. The Captain – his name is The Captain!

Nextwave, Nextwave


Franck – Fondateur et rédacteur en chef de Watchtower Comics. Tombé dans la marmite des comics quand il était petit, et n’a aucune intention d’en sortir. Lecteur éclectique : Marvel, DC, indé… Kryptonite : Les figurines de Baby Groot

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